Wills & Successions

   Last Will and Testament

  • Allows a Testator (the person who makes and executes a Last Will and Testament) to control how and to whom their property is to be distributed at death
  • Louisiana has enacted laws that take the control of how and to whom property is to be distributed at death away from a deceased person if a Last Will and Testament has not been prepared
  • A Testator can name a guardian for minor children as well as an “Executor” who will be in charge of ensuring the affairs of the deceased are resolved as stated in the Last Will and Testament


Process of settling the estate of a deceased person while making sure bills are paid and property is distributed to the deceased person’s heirs 

Powers of Attorney

  • A Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives one person the power to act on behalf of or make decisions for another
  • Powers of Attorney can be broad or specific and can cover financial as well as healthcare-related issues 

Living Wills

  • Legal document that declares a person’s wishes about end of life medical treatment
  • Can include expressions regarding procedures, nutrition and hydration